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National Programs


Community engagement is an international initiative of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Beta Alpha Theta Zeta embraces our founding principles through participation in numerous national and local programs.




March of Dimes

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. has a national partnership with this organization. Each year, Beta Alpha Theta Zeta takes part in their 5K walk around Riverside to raise money for prematurity awareness and research.

Our History


Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc, was founded on the campus of Howard University on January 16, 1920. The Sorority's international programs such as Z-HOPE (Zetas Helping Other People Excel) through Mind, Body and Spirit serve to empower people from all walks of life. As the sorority moves toward its centennial, it retains its original zest for excellence. It espouses the highest academic ideals and that has resulted in its members serving in groundbreaking roles in all fields of endeavor.


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